Make sure to read
part one first, or you're going to have a bad time. ;)
We're back! After almost 2 months of leaving your dolls stranded in curlers, here's how to finish the curling process! (Don't worry, this is MUCH EASIER than part one!)
Step 11: Boil!
In preparation for boiling, Briar shed her washcloth and folded down the top of her dress. Since we were doing of tutorial, she sported a cute bandeau top to stay decent. If your doll is curling privately, I would just remove all clothes. (However, I'd keep Ever After High doll tights and shoes on. Apparently they're hard to get back on)
Find two ceramic containers (or anything that can withstand boiling water safely and ice water) that your doll's head will fit in. Luckily I own some cavernous mugs. We will be doing a hot water dip followed by an ice water dip to set the curl. On different dolls I've had to use bowls to hold their big heads.
The set up: Have everything ready at this point because you will need to move quickly. I have one small pot with enough water to fill the mug in it, and two mugs. I pour the hot water into the mug next to the stove. The mug on the right is full of cold water and crushed ice.
Once you have everything handy, boil the water. You CAN technically just hold the dolls head in the water in the pot, but this scares me and you can overheat and melt her hair if you do it wrong. The mug makes me feel more in control because it's not actively being heated. If you DO dip her in the pot, just avoid contact with the metal bottom and sides. She will melt.
I didn't let my water get quite boiling because I wanted the curls to be looser to match Briar's look. I took it off the heat at this point. If I did it again, I would let the water get a bit hotter, and reach a full boil before I poured it in the mug.
Now dip her head so All her hair is submerged. Keep away from her face paint! (I would actually reinsert her earrings before dipping now that her hair is in curls. Her ear holes shrunk a tiny bit from the ice bath and I had to rub them with a cotton bud with warm water so her ears would expand a bit and let the earrings back in. Not a huge issue but looking back I would put them back in before boiling.
Stick her in the hot bath for 30 seconds to a minute, not much longer but it doesn't have to be exact. More like guidelines than actual rules. ;)
Then immediately transfer her to the cold bath. Leave her in the cold bath for 3 to 5 minutes. This sets the heat and lets her hair keep the curls better. The ice will probably melt. :)
After that, remove her from the water and gently blot her hair dry. RESIST THE URGE TO TAKE THE CURLS OUT IMMEDIATELY. You don't want to ruin your hard work, do you?
Step 12: Wait.
She needs to sit for THREE DAYS and air dry. Three. Days.
"Three Days" |
It's hard but necessary. Don't try to dry her hair with a blow dryer to speed it up. Air dry all the way.
Step 13: Style!
After the three days, touch her hair to make sure it's 100% dry, then the fun begins.
Start at the bottom section, and work left to right or right to left.
Gently pull out the pins and unravel the curls. Pinch right about the foil and then pull it straight down to remove the foil tips.
If a curl comes out messy, wet your fingers with water and smooth it back into shape. Try to work with the curl, not against it when you take out the straws.
Separate thick curls into 2-3 smaller curls by very gently pulling them apart with your fingers. Make sure her hair looks full.
Move onto the middle section, and finally the top. Replace her accessories if you haven't done so.
Style the curls into place with your fingers. do NOT brush through the curls, they will all come out. There will still be some loose hairs, but don't stress about them. Hopefully you have achieved a lovely and soft hairstyle!
Her hair will relax a bit (that is just the nature of the fiber) but Briar's hair is pretty loose in the cartoons. If you want the curls to stay tighter, boil the water for longer so it sets the curls at a higher temperature.
My Briar's hair relaxed to this point after about a week, but it hasn't gone past this and I curled her hair over a month ago.
Step 14: Enjoy! Take some pictures of your hard work! :) And enjoy your doll's beautiful new hairstyle!
After: (One month Later) (after boil curling and a month of natural relaxing and posing)
I couldn't resist doing a photo shoot with her fresh curls! They were too much fun! :)
Thanks for reading!!
Share your recreations with me!
Feel free to ask any questions!